Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Fall of My Remodeling

I love fall! It is my favorite time of year. Trees turning shades of yellow, orange and red, mountains of gold, red and brown grain, glowing in a waning sun and crisp moonlit nights all just take my breath away. Like a lazy cat, I could curl up in front of a south window, soaking up the Autumn sun and even thunderstorms can be awe-inspiring, creating rainbows over golden fields. No matter where you live, Autumn brings new beauty to nature.

This year fall brought something else. It brought a halt to my house renovation projects. There have been days and days of rain which has effectively ended my painting of the fence, a project I hoped to finish before winter set in. The windows I hoped to install before snow flies, have been held up by the quilt project I took on. The siding didn't get started this year as fall swooped in before I got started and ordering siding in September didn't seem like the best plan.

So, here sits my house, still wanting more paint, more windows and a lot of siding. There is still the possibility of the windows getting in if we have a nice Indian summer but with the first snow having come last week, I'm less than optimistic about the possibility.

I hope to be able to post some more updates on the house this year but only time will tell. A few more mild, sunny days will be treasured for the extra moments they will give me to finish outside projects. And if that doesn't work out, there are plenty of inside projects to fill up the winter months.