Sunday, May 24, 2009

No dogs here!

How sad, but don't worry, it is just a move.

In reviewing my recent blogs, I realize everything has been about the house and I have not been talking about the dogs, who are an important part of my life. When I started posting here at "Dot's thots" I intended to talk about my pets and foster dogs but since that hasn't been happening, I decided to split off into 2 seperate blogs. As it happens, I set up a blog account called "DRatschats" some time ago but never used it. As the title implies, it was to talk about my Rats (terriers).

I have moved my Ratty tales over to DRatschats and if you came here to see and hear about my pups, feel free to go over there and see what is going on. Meanwhile, I will continue posting updates on my house here so you are welcome to check back and see how that is going. I am pretty proud of what I have done on the house and hope to make a lot of changes before winter comes again.

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